Hail Snail

Today I visited Hail Snail on N Interstate and Rosa Parks for their cinnamon roll! This was the first vegan option I’ve tried since beginning my journey and it did not disappoint! The owner was extremely friendly and warm and made us feel very welcome. She warmed up the roll for us while we chatted and then added the frosting; it’s purple color she said was derived from beets (red) and spirulina (blue). It was nice that the frosting was well entrenched by the time I made it home, so the center was warm and gooey. The frosting was more of a royal icing and a bit too sweet for me. The vegan brioche was very well done but a tad dry and a little gluey after a while. The cinnamon was less present, kinda sitting in the backseat while the frosting drove. I’d love to try some of their other options with toppings!

Favorite part: The frosting mixed really well with the flavor of the dough.

Least favorite part: Well, also the frosting lol - as it was a bit too sweet for me.

*Rating are according to my preferences, scaled from 1-10

Overall Sweetness rating: 6

Moistness rating: 7

Frosting rating: 7

Cinnamon/spiciness rating: 6

Dough rating: 7

Freshness rating: 8

Heart/center rating: 7

Cafe experience rating: 10

Overall rating: 7.25 / 10



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