Milk Money

Today I visited Milk Money on NE MLK and Alberta for their cinnamon roll! When I walked in to their café this morning there was already one customer ahead of me at the counter and I queued up behind. After a minute I realized they weren’t waiting to order, but were standing and devouring one of Milk Money’s cinnamon rolls, having just ordered. I placed an order for mine, and we all laughed at the fact the customer couldn’t even make it to the table before digging into this delicious looking roll! And that customer was right- this cinnamon roll is absolutely DELISH! The frosting is cream cheese based, not too sweet, not too fat, and absolutely outstanding. The brioche is super good and you can taste a lot of cinnamon. This cinnamon roll felt kind-of old fashioned, not too fussy, maybe the roll your grandmother would make. It felt homemade, and I liked it a lot because of that. The frosting works really well with that brioche! I guess I would only ask for a bit more cinnamonny caramelized gooey goo, but that’s coming from an absolute cinnamon junkie who has eaten like 35 cinnamon rolls in a row and is half-crazy!

Favorite part: Frosting was outstanding, especially with the brioche

Least favorite part: Maybe a bit more cinnamon streusel?

*Rating are according to my preferences, scaled from 1-10

Overall Sweetness rating: 9

Moistness rating: 8

Frosting rating: 10

Cinnamon/spiciness rating: 7

Dough rating: 9

Freshness rating: 9

Heart/center rating: 8

Cafe experience rating: 10

Overall rating: 8.75 / 10



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